
Submit HLA-Inception job

How to perfrom predictions

1. Select HLA alleles

HLA alleles can be specified using the following format: [Gene]_[allele group]:[speciifc HLA protein]

Example: A_02:01

Predictions for multiple alleles can be submitted at the same time using commas to separate.

Example: A_02:01,A_24:02

2. Select peptide length

Peptides can be predicted for lengths from 8-15 amino acids. Use comma seperated values to predict multiple lengths

Example: 8,9,10

3. Select peptide binding threshold

A user provided binding threshold is used to filter predictions. This metric ranges from 0 - 99.9 and indicates the predicted affinity of that peptide relative to the full human proteome. For example, if a threshold of 99.5 is selected, the returned peptides are expect to bind with a higher affinity then 99.5% of peptide derived from human proteins. Please only select one binding threshold at a time. In line with common convention, we recommend a threshold of 98 to extract all binding pepitdes, and a threshold of 99.5 to isolate strong binders.

*Note: The use of lower binding thresholds will increase computional time

Example: 99.5

Predictions for multiple alleles can be submitted at the same time using commas to separate.

4. upload fasta file

Select a fasta file from which you wish to identify MHC-I peptides. Ensure that the file follows standard fasta formatting practices and the file has either a *.fasta or *.txt extension.

CompleteHumanProteome.fasta | CompleteHumanProteome.txt

5. Download results

Following completion of the predictions, a button will appear below the submit button that will allow you to download the prediction results.

6. Errors

Should you encounter any errors, simply refresh the page or click the rest button. If you have repeated errors, feel free to reach out using the contact information below.